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Ayu Ting Ting Release New Album at End of Year

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VIVAnews - dangdut phenomenal artist Ayu Ting Ting soon launch a new album. According to the singer of "Address False", the new album will be released to the market late in 2011. "God willing, will be launched end of the year," said Ayu, when found in Denpasar, on Tuesday, November 29, 2011. Even so, Ayu did not want to divulge any of the singles are going to be a flagship. "Do not leaked yet, still a secret," he said. However, Ayu later confirmed his album dangdut remain on track. "It remains dangdut genre. Wait well," he said.
Besides revealing about launching his new album, Ayu also openly about their activities lately. Since the famous, she admitted flooded job gig in a number of television stations and in major cities. Even tomorrow night, November 30, owner of the original name Rosmalina Ayu will perform in nightclubs and pubs popular music in Denpasar, Akasaka.
Management Akasaka admitted knowingly provide dedicated space for Ayu Ting Ting perform at his club. "It's a form of our appreciation Ayu Ting Ting," said Manager Entertainment Akasaka, Honggo Pratisto.

On that occasion Ting Ting will shake Ayu Bali by singing seven songs. From the seventh song, Ayu claims will bring a Korean song. "I brought seven songs, six of them dangdut songs, and a Korean song," Ayu said. In a concert entitled "Ayu Ting Ting Sensational Concert" that, Ayu hope that things can go smoothly and successfully. "Pray for me so that everything runs smoothly and successfully. May the people of Bali comforted by my presence," Ting Ting please Ayu.

In addition to flooded job gig in various cities, Ayu also has many offers acting in feature films. "There are journalists playing widescreen movies also. A horror movie. But what I know, it's vulgar horror film. So, I wants to play movies and stories teen ABG deh so," he said. (ren)

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